God’s Grace
Have you ever felt dead inside, tired or worthless or just feeling something is not right? You are living life but not knowing why? You are trying to find your own way and do your own thing, and sometimes it feels good, but at others, it feels a bit empty? You are not alone. Many people have these feelings. Why do we feel that we are missing something?
We have these feelings of emptiness because we need something. It is the greatest need. What is it?
Before I tell you what our greatest need is, let me tell you why we need it.
We need it because we have a problem. It is a problem that we have created for ourselves. It is the problem of death.
I know what you are saying. “Death?!” How did we create death?
We brought death upon ourselves by we rejecting the Giver of Life. We have to admit that something brought us into existence and gave us life. What was that something? Call it what you want, but that something was “God.” God is the good and loving Giver of all life.
We have all rejected Him and His perfect ways by going our own way which has led us into mistakes and wrongdoing. Our sin—which is doing what God says is wrong—brought death to life, and consequently we have this spiritual deadness inside of us (Romans 5:12, Ephesians 2:1). Living our way and for earthly pleasure can be fun, but eventually it falls into lack of purpose. In our spiritual deadness, we do not know where we are going. We do not see what is next.
Every human being has gone against God and fallen short of moral perfection. Even the best of us is not perfect, and we all do bad things. We all feel that badness, that guilt inside of us at times. It is that deadness of spirit. Even though we do not like to admit it, it is true. And this is our greatest need—to be delivered from the sin that dwells inside of us.
But here’s the good news. God is rich in mercy and grace (Ephesians 2:4). Grace is God’s undeserved kindness. Even when we were dead in sins, Jesus made it possible for us to live again because of God’s grace (Ephesians 2:5).
God wants to heal you inside and cleanse you from your sin. He wants to give you a home in His heavenly kingdom and where you can enjoy the depths of His grace forever (Ephesians 2:6).
Grace—it’s a free gift to you. Jesus has purchased it for you by dying on the cross for our sins. We should die and face God’s judgment for our wrongs, but Jesus took our wrongs and has covered our sins if we will accept Him as our payment for sin (Romans 6:23). He will not force us to accept His grace, but if we will trust in Him as the one who can save us from sin, God will forgive us and give us everlasting life with God (John 3:16).
Grace—God is offering you a gift of grace. You cannot earn it; you cannot boast in your own effort to save yourself from sin (Ephesians 2:9). You can only receive God’s grace. You cannot find it anywhere else except in Jesus, who died and rose again from the dead proving He and He alone can conquer sin and death (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
If you want to receive God’s grace, call out to Jesus. He is God. He can hear you where you are. He knows your heart. He wants to give you His grace and make you into a beautiful person free from guilt and shame. He wants to make you a masterpiece of grace. Will you call out to Him to receive His grace?
If you want to receive Jesus and His grace, pray to Him right now:
Confess: confess your sin to Jesus. Tell Him that you know you have sinned against Him.
Believe: believe that Jesus died and rose for you. Tell Jesus that you believe He literally died and rose again so that you could be forgiven.
Accept: humbly accept Jesus as your personal Saviour.
To receive Jesus, you can pray to Him something like this:
Lord Jesus, I believe you that you are God and that I have sinned against you and that I deserve to be punished for my wrongs. But I also believe that You died for my sins so that I could be forgiven and that You rose again to life so I can live with God forever. I want to be saved from my sin. Please forgive me and cleanse me from sin. I humbly and thankfully accept Jesus and Jesus alone as my Saviour. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
If you have sincerely prayed something like this to Jesus for forgiveness of sin, you can be confident that Jesus has taken your sin away because we know that “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).
Whoever comes to Jesus, He will not cast out (John 6:37). You are kept in God’s hands as His child (John 10:29). If you mess up and sin, God will still love you as His child. Tell Him that you messed up but want to do right in the future. The Bible says Jesus will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
God wants to bless you with more of His grace. You can access God’s grace by reading the Bible, praying, and fellowshipping with a Bible-teaching church.
We would love for you to visit us at Graceway Baptist Church in the inner west of Melbourne. Go to gracewaybc.com for details. Join us as our special guest. You don’t need to bring us anything; tell us that you watched this video, and we would like to pray with you and give you a free resource to help you in your spiritual journey of growing in God’s grace.